wait, wonder, and weave together the wild and working lands of the Klamath watershed
Certifications: International Living Future Institute (ILFI) Living Building Challenge (LBC) v4 Registered & Pursuant
Respecting the presence of water
Watershed Row is an adaptive reuse of a constellation of existing connected buildings in downtown Klamath Falls, Oregon. This commercial mixed-use project consists of a food hub with a variety of farm-to-fork vendors including a bakery/cafe and a small bar, as well as a number of allied uses such as retail and a climbing gym. Notable among the many design features provided to achieve Living Building Certification include on-site power generation, rainwater collection, on-site wastewater treatment, toilet flushing and irrigation using the greywater produced by the various food service operations, and a nutrient collection system (urine diversion).
True to its name, the project extends its interest in regenerative water systems into the streetscape. Watershed Row’s 5,500 SF orchard and a market garden is sized to balance its irrigation demand with the wastewater production of the commercial kitchens. The landscaping that immediately surrounds the building is comprised of a variety of paving solutions and ecologically sensible native or adapted plantings. These landscape beds are organized around a series of connected bioswales that are designed to infiltrate overflow water from the building on a day-to-day basis as well as the roof during significant storm events.